

The Trip of Steve

The work "The Trip of Steve" Lauqsap ( alias Marco Pasqual ) depicts the face of the visionary Steve Jobs wrapped in a lysergic fog marked by the route of the electronic circuit of his first creation, the famous Apple1 of 1976. The computer built by hand on a wooden box was the first designed, produced and assembled by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne in the garage at the home of Mr. Jobs. The work is the intimate and ironic portrait of a histrionic genius who made history for his dazzling ideas accompanied with the famous slogan "Think different."

Steve Jobs_ The trip of Steve

Explore Art

An online community of makers, developers, and traders is pushing the art world into new territory. It all started with CryptoPunks, a set of 10,000 randomly generated punks that proved demand for the digital ownership of non-physical items and collectibles in 2017, and the market has evolved rapidly ever since.

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